Sunday, December 14, 2008

Remember the Golden Era of Dance?

Image from

Remember when..... dance was on television on a regular basis? ...Baryshnikov and Gelsey were regular household names? ...Suzanne Farrell was on the cover of Time Magazine?

Well....I suppose that amidst a failing economy dance may again have some venues to put itself, as an industry, back into people's everyday lives. With the reality television shows "So You Think You Can Dance" and Dancing with the Stars", more people than ever are tuning in; whether this impacts live theater ticket sales we can only hope.

And there is more.....Billy Elliot on Broadway is having an impact as PBS recently ran an incredible documentary on the three boys that star in the production.

Additionally Alastair Macaulay ran an article in the Times about the greater implications of the success of Billy Elliot the musical.

Here is an excerpt of "Finding Billy Elliot":

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